Dried Pineapple: The Fruit with the Superpowers

The world’s obsession with dry fruit gets trendier by the day. And so is people’s love for dried pineapple. Here’s some of the reasons why.

Experience the epitome of healthy snacking with our premium dried fruits selection, offering the finest in natural sweetness and flavor.

As one of the sayings goes: “if you haven’t ever tried the organic dried pineapple, you don’t know much about dehydrated fruits.” And whether you really believe it or not, if you have a sweet tooth and are fond of exotics, chances are, dried pineapple rings are in the top-3 of your favorite snacks. 

The reasoning is as obvious as it can get. This dehydrated fruit variation is both tasteful and nutritious, but the trick is, there are many more dried pineapple benefits to explore. 

Powerful Source of Manganese

In case you didn’t know, manganese is a mineral, responsible for the strength of connective tissue and bones, and on average, adult women need to consume 1.8mg of it per day. As for men, its required amount is even higher, reaching 2.3mg daily. And the good news is, just 2 slices of dry pineapple (medium-sized) is what can provide adults with at least 75% of this amount (per Linus Pauling Inst.). 

This basically means that the regular consumption of this dry fruit is what can help prevent the so-called loss of bone density, hence significantly decreasing the risk of osteoporosis.

Full of Antioxidants

Similar to other dehydrated fruit, like dried mango, for instance, pineapple dried in one of the organic farms across the world, specifically Thailand, contains impressive amounts of antioxidants. In particular, a mere serving of 3 ounces will provide almost 50% of the daily norm of vitamin C. 

More importantly, it also contains folate, which helps protect our organism from the so-to-speak “free radicals”, preventing the development of many chronic diseases, improving hair and skin condition, as well as slowing down the aging process. 

Rich in Enzymes & Fiber

Organic dried pineapple contains crucial enzymes, like bromelain, world-known for its anti-inflammatory as well as pain-killing capabilities. Namely, its regular consumption helps fight various auto-immune diseases and minimize muscle pain upon sports training and injuries. 

In addition, it also contains both the dietary and the insoluble fiber, sufficient to keep the digestive system working properly. 

Sugar-coated vs. Sugar-free Dry Pineapple 

To make it a more nutritious snack, buy dried pineapple, grown at one of the local farms, e.g. located in Thailand. Opt for its unsweetened variation, e.g. dried pineapple by KP Fruits, and consider adding dried seeds to incorporate healthy oils, which help your organism absorb beta-carotene from the fruit. 

Recipe of the Day – Leaf Salad with Dried Pineapple

Enjoy a mouth-watering experience with a combination of a leaf mix with dried pineapple and the pineapple dressing. 


  • 3 medium-sized slices/rings of a dry pineapple
  • 110g of [baby] kale leaves 
  • 60g of wild rocket (you may also use the regular rocket instead)
  • 2 Tbsp of olive oil
  • 200ml of pineapple juice
  • 1 Tbsp of the wholegrain mustard
  • 1 Tbsp of the top-quality sherry vinegar
  • 1 pinch of salt


  1. Chop dried pineapple into small pieces.
  2. Pour the pineapple juice in a small saucepan, bring it to the boil, then cook for 7-8 minutes on a medium fire (until its amount is reduced to ~2 Tbsp of syrup).
  3. Cool the syrup in a bowl, then proceed to whisking in sherry vinegar, wholegrain mustard, olive oil and salt.
  4. Put the leaf mix in a separate bowl, pour the dressing over it, toss a bit, then mix in the dried pineapple. And enjoy your delicious meal!